Welcome to our Common Bride Quilt Along!
This week we will continue to build our Eight Point Star blocks!
Watch your skills grow as we go!
I am quilting using the Common Bride Fabric Kit and adding some scraps from my stash.
You can use our kit or this is a perfect time to select some beautiful fabrics from you own stash and enjoy them to make this design your own!
Who's ready to start?
Please don't forget to refer back to your Common Bride pattern for cutting measurements.

Eight Point Stars - Continued

Sew 1 light and 1 dark strip together. Please reference your pattern for measurements. Press seam allowance towards the darker strip. Make 25 strip sets. Cut into 400 segments.

Combine 2 segments as shown. Use a small dot to mark the ¼" seam intersections on the back of your four patch.
Make 200 Four Patches.

Position your four patches around your star. You can use the same colors or mix and match.
More about color options in our Week 2 video below.
Start sewing at the small dot as shown. Stop and Backstitch at the pivot.
Make sure that you are sewing only these two layers together. Sew from pivot point to next small dot and backstitch.
From the back, push the seam allowance towards the 4 patch square. I recommend finger pressing until star is completed.
Proceed to set in the next 4 patch between the star points in the exact same manner. Remember to keep pushing the seam allowance towards the 4 patch square and keeping the starting and stopping points ¼" from the raw edges. Remember to backstitch!
Visit our YouTube Channel for our Common Bride - Week 2 video.
Download this week's Blog here.
I am sew excited you've decided to join me on this adventure.
Thank you for your patience, kindness, you are all inspirations to me!
Sew and share your progress with us! #CommonBrideQuilt
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Happy Quilting!