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2015 Designer Mystery Blog Hop


Hello and welcome to Laundry Basket Quilts! This blue house quilt is made using our Homestead pattern, I just made 2 extra house rows, didn’t use the applique rows from Homestead, then offset each row by ½ a block when sewing the rows together.

We are located in the country and enjoy the simple things in life.

While I always treasure the beautiful spot that I live and create in,

I also enjoy traveling to many fun places and crossing all kinds of bridges.

One of my favorite cities to visit is San Francisco – not only for the delicious chocolate,

but especially for the beautiful houses! These “Painted Ladies” were the inspiration for my block in the 2015 Designer Mystery Block of the Month.

To find out more about this 2015 BOM, click here or on the photo above.

There were a total of 12 wonderful Moda designers that took part in creating mysterious blocks for this beautiful quilt. Follow the blog hop today and visit all of them!

Click here or on the image above to take a quiz this Fat Quarter Shop Quiz to find out which Mystery block you are!

I hope that you decide to join us on this fun ride!

For updates and specials from Laundry Basket Quilts please join our new email list below!

Happy Quilting! Edyta

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