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Back to School - Valley Ranch QA | Day 11


Welcome to class!

I am sew proud of everyone so far! You have come a long way with just a little bit of practice every day. With every stitch grows a better quilt. Stay curious, keep trying new and old things, be adventurous, challenge yourself, get creative - always stay a student.

Lets get to the center of things today.

You are doing so well, and I am SEW proud of you!


We have two color options to choose from:

Valley Ranch - Twinkle Fabric Collection

Valley Ranch Scrappy

Now join us in the classroom to

learn, practice, and try something new!

Watch our helpful video tutorial on this block for tips!

🍎 Classroom Supplies:

When I work on a project, I love to have the finished quilt picture in front of me

to inspire me and remind me what I have to look forward to.

Tomorrow we will be learning about Border Block.

Feel free to do your homework and get your fabrics prepped and ready

for this block SEW you can have another amazing day!

Happy Learning!


Show and Tell your blocks with us on Facebook and Instagram!

3 comentários

James Ferguson
09 de jan.

Once a friend told me about and how he managed to guess the winner of a tennis match. I decided to give it a try. I registered, got a bonus, and bet on my favorite team in basketball. The team won and I got my first money. Withdrawal was quick, and now this site has become part of my evening leisure.


13 de nov. de 2024

One by one, players must drop and stack different fruits into a box. Here, physics is at work, causing the fruits to roll and move as they are dropped or combine with other fruits in watermelon game 


18 de out. de 2024

The beautiful pattern made me exclaim. smash karts

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