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  • Edyta

Cold Spell

It was the middle of the winter when I first received some preview pieces of my Cold Spell collection for Moda.

Everything about this group including the large snowflakes mimicked what was going on outside. We were in the middle of the most beautiful winter.

With a variety of soft blues, snowy whites, and midnight indigo, every piece felt so special to me.

I could not stop creating wonderful, timeless quilts.

Now, with summer beginning the Cold Spell fabrics are arriving to your local quilt stores.

I, myself, am falling in love all over again…

… with every jelly roll…

… layer cake and fat quarter bundles!

I am looking forward to enjoying this new collection with some of my favorite patterns…

… and I am thrilled with how nicely Cold Spell mixes with other fabrics!

These colors are perfect for any house.

I loved using some light blues and snowy-colored backgrounds in one of my patterns from our “Scrappy Fireworks” book.

You need to try it! You never know what might sprout out of your sewing room.

Grab a needle and try something different!

Your blue spruce will grow in no time!

In these adventures you find unexpected supporters…

🙂 I found my two!

I sure would love to hear what you would like to make with the Cold Spell collection!

Leave me a comment with your plans on how you will enjoy the Cold Spell fabrics and you will be entered to win a jelly roll from this collection! Can’t wait to see the beautiful things you create.

Happy Quilting! Edyta

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