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Common Bride QA - Week 3


Welcome to our Common Bride Quilt Along!

This week we will finish our Eight Point Star blocks!

Thank you for following along with me as we go on this quilting adventure!

Common Bride - Original Design by Edyta Sitar

I am quilting using the Common Bride Fabric Kit and adding some scraps from my stash.

You can use this same kit or this is a perfect time to select some beauties from you own stash and enjoy all your fabrics to make this design your own!

Who's ready to start?

Please don't forget to refer back to your Common Bride pattern for cutting measurements.

Eight Point Stars - Block Finishing

It's time to add a ring of diamonds around the star.

Position your diamond. Sew to the marked pivot point as shown. Stop and backstitch.

Pivot the block, align the next side.

Make sure that you are sewing only these two layers together.

Sew from pivot point to next small dot and backstitch.

From the back, push the seam allowance towards the diamond.

Keep going to add all eight diamonds.

For extra help, watch our video!

Add 4 corner triangles. Press away from the blocks center.

Make 24– Eight Point Stars with light triangles and 1– Eight Point Star with dark triangles for the center of the quilt.

Add 4 Cornerstones and 4 Sashings to one Eight Point Star with dark triangles.

This will be your quilt center block.

Visit our YouTube Channel for our Common Bride - Week 3 Tutorial Video.

Download this week's Blog here.

Great job! Keep up the good work!

Thank you for your patience, kindness, you are all inspirations to me!

Sew and share your progress with us! #CommonBrideQuilt

Sign up for our newsletter to be notified of all the happenings at Laundry Basket Quilts.

Happy Quilting!


1 Comment

Augustus Shanahan
Feb 03

The visually appealing interface, smooth gameplay and the challenge of gradually increasing difficulty levels make Block Blast different from other puzzle games.

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