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Common Bride - Week 1

Welcome to our Common Bride Quilt Along!

Make sure you read through our Common Bride Housekeeping Blog before you begin.

This week we will build our beautiful Eight Point Star blocks!

I can't wait to see everyone shine!

Common Bride - Original pattern design by Edyta Sitar

I am quilting using the Common Bride Fabric Kit and adding some scraps from my stash.

You can use this same kit or this is a perfect time to select some beauties from you own stash and enjoy all your fabrics to make this design your own!

Who's ready to start?

Please don't forget to refer back to your Common Bride pattern for cutting measurements and visit our website for pattern updates.

Eight Point Stars

Diamonds: You can cut the diamonds from strips using Template A,

or use a ruler: align the 45° line on the ruler with the bottom edge of the strip and

the required line on the ruler with the diamond edge included in your pattern.

Cut sets of 4 matching diamonds. Cut a total of 50 sets of 4 matching diamonds.

Mark the ¼" seam points using your Template A.

Combine two sets of 4 diamonds.

Start sewing at the edge, then sew all the way to the dot and backstitch.

Join pairs to create half of a star. Trim bunny ears.

Then join the halves. Press all the seams in the same direction.

Make 25 stars.

Visit our YouTube Channel for our Common Bride - Week 1 video.

Download this week's Blog here.

I can't wait to watch your quilt grow! I am sew proud of you.

Thank you for joining me.

Sew, and share your progress with us! #CommonBrideQuilt

Sign up for our newsletter to be notified of all the happenings at Laundry Basket Quilts.

Happy Quilting!


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