Peeking in to check on my quilters and hoping you’re all having fun with our Mystery Quilt!
It’s time for another block!
For Block 5, you will need: (choose the fabrics shown above from your Super Bloom bundle)
Fat 1/4 light fabric
10″ pink square
10″ blue square
Fat 1/8 light fabric
We will be making 8 blocks. The cutting directions are listed below:
8 pink squares 2-5/8″
8 blue squares 2-5/8″
32 light quarter-square triangles cut from 8 squares 4-1/4″
16 light quarter-square triangles cut from 4 squares 7-1/4″
Please watch our Block 5 YouTube Video for additional tips cutting this block.
Arrange 1 pink square and 2 light 4-1/4″ quarter square triangles
Place the triangle right sides together with square and sew
Push seam allowance toward the square.
Place second triangle right sides together with square and sew as shown above.
Push second seam allowance toward the triangle
Repeat to make a second assembly with a blue square.
Arrange pink unit, blue unit and 2 light 7-1/4″ quarter square triangles as shown above.
Sew triangles to units as shown, press seams toward the large light triangle.
Place block halves right sides together, pin, and sew.
With a gentle pull, open center seam on back of block and press as shown.
Finally trim your blocks to 6-1/2″. I am using my 6-1/2″ Creative Grids ruler and OLFA Spinning Mat to trim these blocks.
Repeat until you have completed 8 Mystery Quilt Block 5s.
Our fifth blocks will be positioned as shown above in our Mystery quilt.
Congratulations! we’ve made to all the way around the outside of our Mystery Quilt. There is plenty more fun to follow!
But for now it’s time to play in the kitchen.
I am looking forward to some beautiful weather tomorrow and another Mystery Block with all of you!
Happy Quilting! Edyta Sitar