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Spring Silhouette Challenge!


 Spring is in the air!

I’ve found sprouts in my gardens this  morning, a sure sign spring is just around the corner and a great inspiration for a new quilt. 

In my studio, my quilt garden of “Prairie Peony” is in full bloom. I sure have enjoyed applique this winter.

A few years ago when I first started using my “Applique Silhouette” stencils, I had it good, but now with the combination of fabric “Silhouettes” and “Applique Silhouette” stencils, I think I’ve reached applique heaven!

 It was so much fun to applique my Rainbow Star, and work on this wonderful new product “Fabric Silhouettes”.

 I came across a wonderful box of early sample pieces of “Silhouettes” in beautiful batiks, I think this is a perfect time to let you have some fun with these shapes, so lets have a little challenge!

The Challenge is: Show me how you will use fabric silhouettes in any creative way that you would like!  You can embellish any sewing or quilting project, scrapbook, or create an applique block (10″ finished size please). You can add more shapes using Applique Silhouette stencils or anything else you can think of – put your creative hat on and just have fun with them.

When you are completed, take a picture and email it to me, deadline for your project is May 1st 2012.  We will post the pictures of your projects on our blog for everyone to enjoy and there will be a drawing for 5 lucky participants to win our new book “Scrappy Fireworks” that will be released in May 2012.

If you would like to take on this challenge, please send me an email at with the subject of the email:

Spring Silhouette Challenge

Be sure to include your mailing address in the body of the email and we will send the first 100 applicants a small sample bag of fabric “Silhouettes” on March 26th for you to start designing with – please note that shapes will vary in each bag.

As I look forward to see how you welcome the challenge, I am going back to applique heaven working on my next block of the month I call “Spring Sprouts”!

Thank you for stopping , be sure to peek again and see my progress.

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